Malta Wedding Photo
We shoot magic moments!
Welcome to our place, we are MWP | Malta Wedding Photo. Tens of thousands of beautiful shots and hundreds of satisfied customers from all around the world. You will find all this with us.
Malta is also an amazing venue for all couples thinking about a destination wedding. Among our clients, we meet not only maltese couples but also couples from all over the world, who decide to marry in Malta. Our island, apart from being an awesome place to organize the wedding, is also for us the great starting point for destination wedding photography around Europe. One of our most popular wedding photography destination is Italy, being another gem on the Europe’s wedding map.
You are welcome to check our portfolio and discover our style. Although MWP Malta Wedding Photo is mainly about weddings, we are happy to take part in other photography projects and events. For more info do not hesitate to contact us directly!
MWP | Malta Wedding Photo | We shoot magic moments!
Phone / WhatsApp: +356 77 07 62 56 | E-mail: info@maltaweddingphoto.com

info@maltaweddingphoto.com | WhatsApp +356 77 07 62 56 | www.maltaweddingphoto.com
instagram.com/maltaweddingphoto | facebook.com/mwp.malta